The main activity of Cintasa centres in the engineering, production and installation of handling, transport and warehousing element systems. Our wide range of conveyors is based on diverse systems such as: belts, rollers, chains, metal plates, buckets, etc. Moreover, we incorporate distinct auxiliary elements in our installations, which could be: galleries, silos, hoppers, structures, etc.
This specialization in the field of conveyors and in all its variants for more than 50 years has given Cintasa the necessary experience to be able to offer the client the best solution to each requirement.
Cintasa was founded in 1973, and in 1979 the company was constituted as a PLC.
In its beginning the main activity of Cintasa was the production of equipment for handling and transport, the agriculture sector being the most important user of our equipment.
The easy adaptation of these equipments for the transport of other materials enabled the leap to other fields such as dry goods.
The acquired experience permitted the design of new equipments and the specialization of Cintasa in the production of all types of conveyors for any type of activity.
Throughout these years, the effort made in innovation and in continuous improvement has permitted that the products of Cintasa enjoy a high level of prestige. At this moment we are one of the most important companies in our sector, occupying the first position in the field of handling and transport installations.
Currently, Cintasa is dedicated to its main activity, with its own technology, of the production of equipments and installations for handling, elevation, transport, warehousing, dosage, weighing, treatment of residues… and an extensive list of activities in which our equipment can be used.
Thanks to the trust and excellent collaboration of our clients and our constant dedication during these years, we have evolved to reach the point where we can provide a wide range of products, with proven technology and quality, adaptable to the most demanding requirements.
In 2004 we moved to our new installations, established on a plot of 25000 m2. In this way we have assured the continuity and constant growth of our company.
International Presence
After a continuous growth in the national market during its early years and become a benchmark in its sector, Cintasa opted in the 80s for its internationalization.
The company began its expansion in the closest European countries to, with effort, work, innovation and expertise, have installations throughout Europe.
Business ambition brings to a search for new markets reaching South America in the 90s. Cintasa today has presence in most of the South American territory with more than 40 references.
Cintasa’s expansion was not limited and continued to export their equipment to several plants in some countries in Africa, Asia and Oceania.
The latest achievement of the company has been the presence of their products in North American market with major installations in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Continuous improvement and adaptability to all markets has positioned Cintasa as an international leader in the design and supply of conveyor belts. Cintasa has been known how to live up to demands in highly specialized installations.
Today we can say that Cintasa has supplied its products in installations on the five continents, and its exportation represents more than 70% of its production.